Let There be Light Fixtures


The Story

As a girl who is pretty laid back I’ve never really been into fancy jewelry, but I’ve come to realize that I do have an affinity for “bling”. It’s just that my preferred “bling” isn’t worn on the body, instead it’s found subtly throughout our home. You just have to look up.

Ceiling light fixtures can be the perfect accessory to a room but can also stand out and make a statement on their own. Choosing one is a very personal choice and here are a few questions that we’ve asked ourselves when choosing the “bling” for our home.

What is the personality of the space? Think of key words to describe the design and energy of the space (or how you want to feel in the space) - bold, romantic, charming, relaxed, productive, stimulating. Articulating this paints a mental picture of what you’re looking for and helps to narrow down your search for a fixture that fits the design of the space. 

How will the space function? For example, lighting for a kitchen will likely differ from lighting in a bedroom. In a kitchen you may want to use multiple pendants or smaller light fixtures to spotlight “production” areas. In a bedroom you may simply use a single stylish light fixture giving off a soft, warm light. Also consider dimensions and what size light best fits into your space. Ultimately whatever light fixture is chosen, it should support how the space will be used.

And finally, when choosing your light fixture, ask yourself if it gives you a genuine feeling of joy. This is your intuition talking and you’ll know when that happens. This feeling may vary from room to room but we recommend having at least one “showstopper” light fixture that really has that effect. A good place for this is a dining room or other entertaining area. But it doesn’t have to end there. You can also include these in bedrooms and unexpected places like bathrooms and hallways. Just make sure there’s some variety from room to room done so in a cohesive, balanced way.

Here are some of the existing light fixtures that were in our home when we first moved in.

The Gallery

And here are a few of our favorite fixtures that we’ve used in our home since, plus a few that we’re eying for some upcoming projects.

Joanna’s Bedroom

This light fixture is no longer for sale but here are a few alternatives.

Grace Flower Flush Mount

Monique Lhuillier Crystal Butterfly Flushmount

Guest Bathroom

Here’s what we’re planning to use for this future project…

Iridescent Globe Flushmount

Master Bathroom

Here’s what we’re planning to use for this future project…

Faceted Iridescent Pendant